More and more people are turning to Micro needling plus PRF for skin resurfacing because of its effectiveness and its being “all natural”.

Micro needling is purely mechanical with tiny metal needles puncturing micro holes into the skin. The micro needle holder is usually electrical and is capable of adjusting the length of the needles based on the skin depth. PRF ( platelet rich fibrin) is an autologous blood concentrate, 100 percent natural, free of additives and chemicals and packed with powerful cells for skin rejuvenation purposes.

Typically 12-24 ml of blood is collected via small needle butterfly. Clients are encouraged to come well hydrated for better blood drawing experience. PRF releases growth factors slower and longer than PRP(platelet rich plasma) due to the formation of fibrin scaffold and works well with micro needling.

PRF can be injected into skin to improve under eye dark circles, improve scars and fine lines, improve brown spots, and improve mild tissue deficit such as tear troughs. PRF is driven into the micro holes in the skin created by micro needling. Topical numbing of the skin is good enough to eliminate the pain with micro needling.

Micro needling plus PRF can be done as needed or can be done in series of every 2-4 weeks if aggressive resurfacing is desired. Typically clients notice skin quality improvement, smoother texture and skin tightening, as early as next day and pigment improvement within a month.

PRF for under eye dark circle treatment requires only topical numbing and your own blood. There is minimal discomfort and some swelling. If you are not ready for dermal filler for the under eye area, PRF can give meaningful improvement of the dark circle.

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