Under eye dark circle

Under eye dark circle

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Under-eye dark circle bothers a lot of people for good reasons. It may make the persons look tired or older. The reasons for under eye dark circle include genetic tendency, acquired collagen deficit, pigment deposition, dehydration, and lastly excess fat deposition right under the lower eyelid casting a shadow below.

The first step to the right treatment of under eye dark circle is to diagnose the right cause for the problem.
If the dark circle is due to pigment, which occurs more often in coloured skin, the treatment will be to lighten the pigment. This can be done with resurfacing laser or multiple sessions with Microneedling and/or PRF (platelet rich plasma) treatment or topical whitening treatment.

Under eye dark circle

If the dark circle is due to volume deficit related to genetic or acquired from aging or poor lifestyle choices such as dehydration or smoking, the treatment will be alleviating any correctable causes plus restoring the volume.
Currently, available volume restoration treatments include dermal filler, autologous fat transplantation (transplanting one’s own fat), and donor fat cell graft.

Donor fat cell graft is fairly new and gaining popularity but is still much more expensive than dermal fillers. Autologous fat transplantation requires harvesting the fat cells from another part of body, which may impose unwanted risks of prolonged bruise or scar.

Lastly, if the dark circle is due to excessive fatty tissue making shadow, fat removal surgically or by Radiofrequency in conjunction with Microneedling is among the options.

For more information please make an appointment for a complimentary consultation at Bellatudo Skin and Wellness Center.

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